VCHS Fill The Pantry Event - Times Record

VCHS Fill The Pantry Event - Times Record

Special to Times-Record
The Valley City High School Student Council will be hosting a Fill the Hi-Liner Pantry Night event during the doubleheader boys and girls basketball games Tuesday, January 15th at the Hi-Liner Activity Center.
The Hi-Liner Pantry aims to alleviate hunger by providing food and essential items confidentially to 7th through 12th students and their families in need. The pantry is an extension of the Bridges Backpack Program, which started delivering backpacks in the fall of 2014 to preschoolers through 6th graders in area schools, however 7th through 12th graders were not served, so the Hi-Liner Pantry was opened and is funded through contributions and donations.
The Student Council encourages fans to bring non-perishable food and/or hygiene items to donate. An informational table and drop box will be available at the front door. Monetary donations are also appreciated.
Most of the items in the pantry are shelf stable, nutritious and easy to prepare so that the students are able to care for themselves as much as possible. Suggested donations: Individual sizes of chips, crackers, popcorn, cookies, granola bars, Pop-tarts, cans of soup, pasta, roman noodles, canned vegetables, juices, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, puddings, applesauce, fruit cups, deodorant, shampoo and conditioner.
Students can also participate in the backpack program — where the student would receive a backpack of food handed out on Fridays for the weekend. Pantry and backpack program signup forms are available on the school district’s website, From there, users should click about us and then VCHS Hi-Liner Pantry.
The pantry is located in Room 129 of the Valley City High School. Items are provided at no charge to the students with distribution in a discreet manner.
Participation in the Hi-Liner Pantry is reliant on referrals from staff, counselors, administrators, and/or parents.
Find us on VCHS school website:

Times-Record Photo
Penny Peterson (left), Valley City High School Student Council advisor, and Summer Burchill, 7th-9th grade counselor (right), show some of the items available in the Hi-Liner Pantry, located in Room 129 at VCHS. The pantry has both food and hygiene items available.

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