Eagle Scout helps local food pantry - Fox11online.com

Eagle Scout helps local food pantry - Fox11online.com

Eagle Scout Ethan Jacoby-Henrickson helped build 2 produce carts for the Heart of the Valley Food Pantry in Kimberly. (WLUK/Chris Schattl)

KIMBERLY (WLUK) -- An Eagle Scout is doing his part to help out a local food pantry.

Ethan Jacoby-Henrickson helped build two produce carts for the Heart of the Valley Food Pantry in Kimberly.

He's been working on this project since May.

But he didn't work alone as his parents and other Eagle Scouts joined in.

He had a chance to present his completed project to the food pantry Sunday.

"This was something that we had in the works for a long time, and now seeing it complete, it's just amazing, and I'm glad that I was able to help the pantry," said Jacoby-Henrickson.

He said it took about six days to assemble the carts.

There is a chance they will make another donation to pantry or add on to the project.