Fort Madison food pantry gets much needed donations - WGEM

Fort Madison food pantry gets much needed donations - WGEM

Over the last three years, the food pantry in Fort Madison continues to see a rise of residents using the service.

It’s grown even more this holiday season.

The pantry on 34th and Avenue L got several donations from local grocery stores and the shelves are stacked with fresh food.

While it’s great for this week and the entire month, the pantry could do a 180 by next month if donations don’t come in.

That’s why this recent surge is key to keep it open because more people are coming through the doors.

Amber Britt is a parent who has not been able to work because she is recovering from a recent surgery.

“It is really helpful to other people that cannot get this stuff,” Britt said.

She got a stint put in to help with her seizures and hasn’t been able to provide for her family like she’s used to.

“It’s helped me out a lot with me being out of work and if it wasn’t for the food pantry, it would be rough,” Britt said.

That’s why the food pantry is a big help.

Lin Cramer, president of the pantry, said the numbers have gone up 25 percent and helping close to 400 families.

It helps helping people who have been either laid off or going through medical problems.

“They understand, they help as much as they can,” Britt said.

Cramer said it’s been an amazing month.

Donations came pouring in from Scott’s, Iowa Fertilizer Plant, and other local businesses.

“All this extra and trying to find even room for it with freezer space and yes, ‘it’s like woah, who would’ve thought.'”

It’s providing fresh food on the table.

“It will last me this month and part of next month,” Britt said.

“It’s coming from everywhere,” Cramer said. “The grocery stores have been very generous in what they have given us.”

This surge will help keep it stocked for the new year.

“All of the money donations and food donations will not go to waste, shall we say,” Cramer said.

If you want to help or donate, you can send food or money to the pantry during the day or by mail at P.O. Box 273 in Fort Madison.

The pantry is located on 3421 Avenue L

The pantry is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday’s.

The hours are from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

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