Midwest Family Financial staff donated a freezer to the North Platte High School food pantry Friday morning.
Funds to purchase the freezer from Karl’s came from vendor fees for the upcoming Sip and Shop event, which will be at 6 p.m. on Nov. 13 at Harbor Lights. Attendees are asked to bring non-perishable food items, gift cards or a monetary donation to support the food pantry.
Lori Hansen, owner of Midwest Family Financial, received the idea for the donation when she posted on Facebook asking whom to collect donations for this year.
“I wanted to do a group that maybe doesn’t get as much recognition, as much help,” she said.
Brandy Buscher, student services director at North Platte Public Schools, said the freezer will help the food pantry provide more meals of substance to students. Currently, the food pantry serves 15-20 students a week.
“As we get into the holidays, that number will double pretty quick,” Buscher said.
With frozen meat in the freezer, students can now prepare foods at home such as spaghetti and tacos.
“Give them hamburger with their Hamburger Helper,” Buscher said, “and not just the Hamburger Helper.”