The term 'seed money' is often used to talk about funding a new business adventure. The Rhinelander Area Food Pantry is hoping you plant a little seed money.
A Maine-based non-profit...seedmoney. org.. is helping food pantries thrive by using social media crowd funding.
Executive Director of the Rhinelander Area Food Pantry, Guy Hansen, says Seed Money is a way to collect money from people, mostly in small amounts, through the internet.
Hansen says they want to improve the efficiency and extend the use of a greenhouse they have at the food pantry side...
"..The goal is $4,500 dollars. We've prioritized the things we need and we'll just proceed as we have money..."
If a person wants to donate through Seed Money, there's links on the food pantry website and their Facebook page, or they can drop off a check at the Food Pantry on Coon St.
Hansen says all of the donated money goes to the food pantry with no fee from Seed Money.
He says the greenhouse is used to begin crops destined for the Community Garden and they also raise more than a thousand food plants for pantry customers...
"What we would like to do is extend the season of use and the efficiency. In the summer it's too hot in the greenhouse and what this money would do is put some shade cloth up and some automatic solar-powered circulating fans that go on and off when it gets too hot. We could use the greenhouse all summer and we could raise an extra few hundred pounds of food in the greenhouse in addition to the(community) garden...."
The project is live on the Seed Money. org website until December 15.
Should enough money be donated, the local pantry would be eligible for a bonus award.