Food, supplies pantry opens in Lordstown for district families to use in times of need -

Food, supplies pantry opens in Lordstown for district families to use in times of need -

LORDSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) - Although it's been a tough week in Lordstown, the school district has been addressing community needs for three years.

The district started a pantry to help anyone in need who lives in Lordstown. There are clothes, food and personal hygiene items available for free.

The pantry is run by the Letterman's Club, which is students who have excelled in academics or sports, and they're learning big things.

"I think empathy. That's a big thing you want to learn as a young person so you have that growing up through life. Not everyone has the same opportunities as you have," said Lordstown Superintendent Terry Armstrong.

The items are available to students, school families and those in the community. If you feel a need, you're welcome to the pantry, regardless of income.

"It's important to show that the school cares about the community, so it's a way to give back to the community that's raising these kids. If they were ever in a pinch they could come back and take it privately," said teacher Seth Mansell.

The community pantry started as a career closet to help students prepare for job interviews.

The food component was added this year.