Thirty years ago, with $100 worth of donated food and $60 in cash, the doors of Foothills Food Pantry were opened.
Foothills Food Pantry is a faith-based emergency food agency serving Surry County. In the beginning, the Pantry was completely operated by volunteers and had very little support from the surrounding community. Currently, the Pantry is operated by a Board of Directors, two employees, and approximately 50 of the best volunteers in the world. Wow! How quickly things have changed.
The Pantry is a registered non-profit agency and with support from individuals, churches, civic organizations, and many, many others. The Pantry has grown into a trusted community resource. In 2017 we assisted 3,100 families, 7,730 individuals, and distributed 381,642 pounds of food.
Ray Key retired from the Pantry’s board in 2018, but his philosophy is still strong, “Where God guides, God provides.” Many volunteers and board members of the past are no longer with us. Recently two beloved members of the Pantry family have passed away; Glenda Robbins and Robert Abeyta. Their love for community and the families we assist can still be felt inside the Pantry’s walls.
We have begun our 2018 Open Your Heart Christmas Box sign-ups.
In 2017 more than 800 of these meal boxes were picked-up or delivered to homes throughout Surry County. If you would like more information on how to help or be involved with Open Your Heart please give Robin a call at 336-386-8405.
The deadline for sign-ups in Nov. 29.
Foothills Food Pantry is both honored and humbled to serve families in Surry County, and we look forward to many more years of service.
Robin Hardin, coordinator
Foothills Food Pantry