PLAINFIELD, IL — The Village of Plainfield and Plainfield Public Library District have partnered to install a little free food pantry at the Plainfield Library, 15025 S. Illinois St. The Giving Pantry operates on the philosophy of "Take what you need and give what you can."
It all began with a father who stopped by the Library to ask for help. He didn't have food in the house for his young children, and he did not have a car. How could the community help those in need? The Giving Pantry was the answer. The Plainfield Public Works Department designed and built the pantry, and it was stocked with items generously donated by the community during Hunger Action Month.
The Giving Pantry is accessible all hours of the day and night and is located in the garden behind the Library by the Route 59 parking lot. Anyone is welcome to give to the pantry as well as take according to their own needs.
The Giving Pantry is the first one in the Village of Plainfield and the second free pantry in the Plainfield area.
Related: Blessing Box: Plainfield-Area Church Offers Free Food Pantry
Photo/article via Village of Plainfield

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