LIVINGSTON MANOR — The Calliope-on-Main Foundation announced the completed installation and initial operations of Sullivan County’s first Little Free Pantry, literally a mini kitchen pantry, free-standing and free-to-all. It’s available for residents to help themselves to what they need for healthful food, recipes and kid’s activities. The pantry is located across from the Livingston Manor Fire Station on the eastern side of Livingston Manor Free Library. It is stocked with non-perishable food and sundries, along with a selection of recipes including many for whole grain options and sugar restricted diets, as well as children’s books and pursuits that inspire outdoor activity. The official opening ceremony will be on Sept. 27 at 3 p.m.
Livingston Manor’s Free Pantry is the result of the combined efforts of several residents: Larry Boutis came up with the idea. Initial Funding was contributed by Barbara Martinsons. Cabinetry design and building was provided by David Forshay, and trim and decorative painting was contributed by Carolyn Bivins, assisted by Larry Bivins. Publicity is being handled by Maria Bivins. The other volunteers in the organizing group are Bruce Cobb, Linda Hartley, Linda Horak, Avram Nathanson, Jennifer Squires, Kitty Vetter and Shanequia Young. Dan Harris helped to install it, and will help with the physical maintenance of the Pantry.
Based on the Little Free Library movement, The Little Free Pantry is a grassroots solution to immediate and local food insecurity. Whether it facilitates the need for food or the need to give, the Little Free Pantry enables neighbors to help neighbors, and strengthens our community. As an outcome of her participation in the Dialogue2Change project of the Sullivan County Human Rights Commission, coordinated in Livingston Manor by Peggy Johannsen, the project was inspired to help create healthier food choices and to support sharing among local residents.
Livingston Manor residents already host Soupy Tuesday, a weekly hot meal available at the Livingston Manor United Methodist Church and a food pantry with an extended inventory of foodstuffs. Sharon Jersey is the volunteer coordinator for those efforts. The Little Free Pantry will be available any time for people to supplement what they can not otherwise access or afford; however, it cannot stock the quantity or variety of a full food pantry. “We hope it can be a safety net,” said Martinsons. “And all kids should own books that they can return to time after time, or parents can read to them over and over.”
Local resident and owner of Life Re-Purposed Maria Bivins will coordinate operations for the Pantry. She says, “We don’t yet know whether the greatest need is after-school snacks for kids, staples like peanut butter, or weekend lunch-type food. We will try different items and see what moves quickly.”
In addition to taking what they need from the pantry, residents can volunteer to donate a morning or afternoon once or twice a month to re-stock the pantry. Donations to Calliope-On-Main are also welcome.
To participate contact Maria at and put the word “pantry” in the subject space. ”If we can promote health and support community in small ways,” says Martinsons “it will be a good start.”