Unemployment may be on the decline, but there are still needy families in town who rely on Lenore’s Food Pantry for help.
In turn, the pantry is asking the public for help.
AnnMarie Fleming, health director and public health nurse for the town, said that the number of families in need of food is rising, but shelves at the pantry are bare because of a slowdown in donations over the summer.
She said state Rep. Betty Poirier, R-North Attleboro, along with high school cheerleaders and football players ran a food drive over the weekend, but more donations are needed.
As the food pantry approaches it 40th anniversary, the pantry is looking for basics such as soups, canned meats, chili, macaroni and cheese and canned vegetables and fruit.
Fleming said the donations can be dropped off at the health office at town hall, Shaw’s or the library.
She said some families in North Attleboro are not benefiting from the strong economy or have special circumstances that put them in need.
The health department recently hired Joan Badger to be a human services coordinator to help families find resources they need, and she is working with recipients at the food pantry.
The pantry is open on Mondays from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. and Fridays from 8:15 to 10:15 a.m.