Mobile food pantry planned for July 14 in Grand Island - NTV

Mobile food pantry planned for July 14 in Grand Island - NTV

Grand Island community members will be able to feel a little more food-secure, thanks to a mobile food pantry on July 14.

The mobile pantry will be held once again in the garage at the Engineering Division, 315 N Jefferson St. in Grand Island, which is located on the north end of the Customer Service Center. The food distribution will begin at 9:30 a.m. Numbers will be handed out starting at 8:15 a.m. Clients will be allowed to access the pantry in numerical order beginning at 9:30 a.m. Clients are asked not to arrive on site before 8 a.m.

Approximately 25,000 to 30,000 pounds of food will be distributed for free to individuals and families who are food insecure. Individuals and families living in Hall County and surrounding communities are welcome to attend. Those who come to the mobile pantry are encouraged to bring boxes or bags to assist in carrying the food they receive. No identification is required to receive food. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. “Loaves and Fishes” volunteers from Trinity United Methodist Church along with volunteers from First Presbyterian Church, Grand Island Senior High ROTC and the local Grand Island community will be helping pantry clients.

A mobile pantry is a traveling food pantry that delivers food free of charge directly to individuals and families who need assistance for a one-day food distribution. The goal is to provide food where there is a high need but limited resources. Items to be distributed at the mobile pantry in Hall County include spaghetti, tomato sauce, canned pork and beans, cereal, pancake mix and other shelf-stable products along with perishable items, including a variety of fresh produce and bakery items.

Food Bank for the Heartland, along with Trinity United Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church, Grand Island Senior High ROTC and other members of the Grand Island community will host the event.

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