Spartanburg Co. 13-year-old creates food pantry to help food insecurity - WMBF

Spartanburg Co. 13-year-old creates food pantry to help food insecurity - WMBF

You may start to see small food pantries pop up around Spartanburg County. One is already set up outside the Boiling Springs Fire Department. 

The person behind the operation is a 13-year-old young man named Kolby Cox.

"When you drive to downtown Spartanburg and see the homeless and seeing how they go hungry, and sometimes without even a home, it makes you realize what we take for granted," Kolby said. 

"He's a lot like every other kid, he likes his video games, he loves his phone, he likes YouTube, but he also has a heart for people who are in need," Rob Moore said. "I'm not sure if that's learned, or if it's something that is God given. But he shows it to me every day."

Moore is the owner of Rob's Deli in Chesnee and said he and Kolby met through faith. They attend the same church.

"There was one time that a man was living under a bush and he told Kolby that he was living under a bush - just the look on his face, it really affected him." 

Kolby took that feeling and ran with it, creating a crusade to help bridge the food insecurity gap around Spartanburg County.

"Everyone is smiling, and they all say 'God bless,' Kolby said.

Kolby created a food pantry outside the Boiling Springs Fire Department. The community has already started to contribute. He said he's working on other pantry locations, such as a church.

He's also launched a website: The website serves as a resource to the Upstate, specifically focusing on suicide, hunger, or homelessness. 

Kolby said he was inspired when Rob opened his food pantry. Rob said the feeling is mutual and he continues to see the passion Kolby has in helping others. 

"You see a smile, and it's just the joy of helping out other people," Kolby said. 

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