Northeast High School Alumni Association opens food pantry at ... - KSHB

Northeast High School Alumni Association opens food pantry at ... - KSHB

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Every day, hundreds of students across the metro are not getting enough food.

The Northeast High School Alumni Association is taking action to help more than just its students. Alums are now securing food insecurities in the school and community. 

Northeast High School junior Jeremiah Todd worries about more than just his school work. 

"See, at home, we have seven people living in the house and only my grandma has a job," said Todd. 

This week, Todd was able to bring something to the table for his family. It is all thanks to Northeast High School's newest addition. 

"We saw that there was a need in the community, that we had kids that needed some help," said Mary Cincotta, Northeast High School Alumni Association President. 

It's a project the alumni association has had cooking for some time. On April 5, a food pantry for students, their families, and community members opened inside the high school. 

"We're one of the few schools in Kansas City who is acknowledging this issue and that we actually are putting our best feet forward to help our students," said Roberta Holt-Kipper, Food Pantry Project Manager. 

Now, thanks to the food pantry, Todd said a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. 

"I mean, it helps anybody out, anybody in the school that has trouble putting food on the table for their family at night, or food on the table at any point in time of their life," said Todd. 

Holt-Kipper said most students at Northeast High School are on free or reduced lunches. Many students are also transitional students, which means they do not have just one place they call home.

"We knew that the kids got to eat twice a day, but what happens after school, on weekends," said Cincotta. 

Currently, the high school has several people contributing to the food pantry. The school hopes it can be a place that past, present and future Vikings can go for a helping hand. 

The pantry is open to students, families and the community every Monday through Friday. The school plans to stay open throughout the summer. 

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