National Nutrition Month is almost over, but a focus on healthy nutrition, exercise, and reducing food waste doesn’t have to end. Continuing to implement ideas to connect with the theme to “go further with food” is an ongoing benefit.
As the weather warms and spring cleaning gets underway, include your pantry for some scrutiny to see if the food it contains supports your goals for health and nutrition. Keep the foods that help you meet your nutrition goals and work on clearing out the foods that make meeting goals more difficult.
Also check to see if there are some things that might not meet food safety guidelines and need to be tossed. Food waste is to be avoided but if your pantry has hung onto things that are past “use by” date it is better to get rid of it. Packaging of items should still be tightly closed to assure freshness has been preserved. Cans should be free of dents and tops flat and glass or plastic jars should have tight lids. Rule of thumb still applies: “If in doubt, throw it out.” Food safety comes first.
Clearing shelves during spring cleaning gives a chance to inspect and sort. Even clean pantries are vulnerable to insects. Food most likely to have insects are cereals, flour, seeds, baking mixes, spices, candy dried fruits and dry pet foods. If you find insects in any food, throw it out.
Restock items back in your pantry so that oldest items are to the front. As you purchase new items put them behind the same foods already on the shelf to follow the first in first out principle. Unless foods are stored in tightly closed plastic containers, it is a good idea to keep items off the floor, just in case there are spill that might cause contamination.
A web search for “Food Storage Guidelines” or “Shelf Life of Food Chart” will provide lists of food products recommended shelf life and best storage practices. Knowing how long items can be stored helps avoid over purchasing and reduces food waste.
Visit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website eatright.org for great tools and resources on how you can continue to improve your health and nutrition.