SHERWOOD, Ark. (KTHV) - Sherwood's Little Free Pantry is calling on the community for donations.
It's Spring Break for kids and students around Arkansas, some who rely on school for meals. Your donation means more now, than ever.
Food insecurity is an unfortunate reality for many students right here in Central Arkansas.
“The Little Free Pantry project started with a lady out of Northwest Arkansas,” said Candy Guidry, one of the pantry coordinators.
This week long break isn't enjoyable for every student.
Time away from school, for some, might mean a week away from guaranteed meals.
“Our community provides primarily most of the donation that go into the pantries,” she said.
Guidry wants to remind everyone, who can, to stop by the Little Free Food Pantry and donate.
“It seems like our donations have slowed a little bit during the past couple of months and first of the year. We contribute that to the holidays and people not getting out as much during the colder weather,” said Guidry.
Your donation can help keep students fed during times when class isn't in session.
More than 200,000 kids in Arkansas are at risk of food insecurity.
“There are a lot of kids out on Spring Break right now who depend on meals from school that they are not getting at this time,” Guidry added.
Drop off locations are open 24/7; the items in the pantry are free for anyone to take.
“Through a community effort, we now have six pantries with two more on the way,” she said.
You can drop off items at any of the pantries at any time of the day or night. Right now, the Little Free Food Pantry is in need of food appealing to kids and things children love to eat.
“Through one of the brick and mortar food pantries in Sherwood, we're getting a lot of cookies, cupcakes and those type of items,” said Guidry.
For all six pantry locations visit the pantry's Facebook page.
There you'll also find Amazon links for specific items that can be purchased in bulk. Volunteers will sort through them divide them out between all locations.
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