NMU Food Pantry holds grand opening - WLUC - UpperMichigansSource.com

NMU Food Pantry holds grand opening - WLUC - UpperMichigansSource.com

MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) - It's been nearly two years in the making but the Northern Michigan University Food Pantry had their official grand opening Thursday.

Students and staff who've raised the pantry from the ground up were there to celebrate. It started with research that revealed 39-40 percent of NMU students deal with food insecurity.

During the opening NMU President Fritz Erickson praised the work of the students and staff who've come together to get the food pantry up and running. Volunteers who staff the pantry say the students who come in are very grateful.

"Students who come in are always super thankful, they always have great things to say," said Megan O'Connor, Volunteer Coordinator for the NMU Food Pantry. "I tend to ask 'what would you like to see differently, what would you like to see in the pantry?' and they're just floored, they're like 'I can't even believe that I get Triscuits today.'"

Currently the pantry is open on Tuesdays from 4-7 p.m. Going forward they'd like to be open three days a week. They are currently accepting donations as well.

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