Bellingham schools start food pantry programs - Milford Daily News

Bellingham schools start food pantry programs - Milford Daily News

BELLINGHAM - The town's schools are starting a food pantry program to ensure local families and children don't go hungry.

The program is funded with the help of the Hockomock Area YMCA, which provided an $800 grant. Its intention is to provide students with food items  weekly, helping families provide food to their children throughout the week.

Kimberly Cohen, the senior director of health innovation at the Hockomock YMCA, said a hunger gap exists in a number of area communities.

"The Town of Bellingham currently has over 25 percent of its students eligible for free and reduced lunch," she said, noting that some students may have limited access to food beyond the breakfasts and lunches available at the school. "These students may frequent nurses' offices, complaining of headaches and tummy aches (because of hunger)."

Holly Barros, the school nurse at Bellingham's South Elementary, said she had seen the need first-hand. The school had previously started a sharing table at the cafeteria, where students could place unopened snacks to share with their classmates. As many children began using this service, she realized the importance of that effort.

"I was noticing a lot of kids coming in, and I thought, 'Oh my gosh, this is like the tip of the iceberg,'" she said. "You can't learn if you're hungry."

Recognizing that need, the district applied for the grant. Cohen said the Hockomock YMCA has helped several area towns - including Plainville, Franklin, Hopedale and Wrentham - set up similar services.

"We are focused on healthy food access, and part of that is to help support school systems using evidence-supported best practices," she said. "The school-based food pantry is based on a national model."

The pantries will be placed at three schools: South Elementary, the Keough Memorial Academy and the Bellingham Memorial Middle School.

"We'll be starting off with students who are eligible for free lunches," Barros said. "Each school will have its own routine and schedule."

Students will be able to come by South Elementary's pantry on Fridays, where there will be a number of healthy options - including vegetables, fruits, cereals and pastas - available.

Confidentiality, said Cohen, is paramount. Students eligible for the program had letters mailed to their families, and can drop by their school's nurse's office to discreetly receive food items on pick-up days.

"As a resident of Bellingham myself, it's exciting to see the community work together," she said.

Barros said the program was a group effort, crediting fellow nurses Sue Young and Maureen Loftus as well as Assistant Superintendent Carolyn Rafferty.

"Without these people, it couldn't happen," she said. "It's a really good feeling to see these kids be happy."

Mike Gleason can be reached at 508-634-7546 or For news throughout the day, follow him on Twitter @MGleason_MDN.