SHELBY – During October, November, and December 2017, the FISH food pantry in Shelby reported serving a total of 631 individuals – a 26.8-percent decrease over the same period in 2016.
Included in this number are:
476 persons received regular food assistance.
155 persons received emergency food assistance.
An ideal FISH box of food will feed a family of up to four people for three days. Adjustments are made for either singles or families of five or more. An emergency bag of food is designed to provide three meals per individual.
“At the start of the New Year, FISH gives thanks for Shelby’s caring and sharing,” a FISH volunteer stated. “We celebrate the past year because, with the community’s support, FISH was able to meet the needs of those among us who have less than enough to keep food on their tables.
"We greet the New Year with the hope that there will be less need but also with the faith and certain knowledge that as clients come to us, we will be able to feed them. Thank you, Shelby, for your faithful and continued support.”
Organized in 1971, The FISH of Shelby, Inc. operates the food pantry that serves residents of the Shelby City School District. It is located in the Shelby Help Line Ministries building.