Food pantry thankful for support - Martha's Vineyard Times

Food pantry thankful for support - Martha's Vineyard Times

To the Editor:

All of the volunteers at the Island Food Pantry want to express a huge thank-you to the many individuals and businesses that contributed this holiday season. We will not be able to mention everyone, but here are a selection.

We had several preschools come with wagons to deliver food and baked goods they made. The Oak Bluffs fifth grade delivered food they collected, and were able to participate in stocking their delivery. The Charter School made a large delivery. The Tisbury Police and the Oak Bluffs Fire Department held food drives.

Many businesses that shut down temporarily for the core winter months brought food, among them Murdick’s Fudge and Chilmark Chocolates (much appreciated), Behind the Bookstore, Menemsha Market, Grey Barn, Pie Chicks, Hob Knob Inn, and Chappy Happy. Other business ran food drives and or gave monetary contributions, among them Sport Haven, Edgartown Theater, M.V. Film Society, Summer Shades, Bad Martha’s, and the Chamber of Commerce. The Ritz held a large Holiday Benefit night. And, of course, many thanks once again to the Gatchell family for their wonderful light-display contribution.

In addition to the food contributions, many individuals and businesses contributed monetarily. These contributions are so important to our ability to provide needed food, especially during the hardest months upcoming, and are so greatly appreciated.

Margaret Hannemann, coordinator
Island Food Pantry

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