Rather than a gift exchange, members of two local organizations chose to pool their group’s efforts and donate to the Chase County Pantry this Christmas season. Above, members of the Imperial Lions Club brought food items to their annual Christmas get-together Sunday for the pantry. Members include, kneeling from left, Tammy Siverson, Nate Jenkins, Angie Worth, Troy Worth, Kylee Margritz, Jordan Hammerlun, Michelle Spady, Jan Schultz, standing from left, Nick Schultz, Kelly Hammerlun, Larry Radcliffe, Jayne Henry, Dennis Batterman, Miles Colson, Bruce Curtis, Sheryl Curtis and Emma Jenkins with Rosalie. Members of the Chase County Stompers gathered Dec. 9 for a regular monthly square dance and also brought items for the pantry. Members pictured with the donated food are, front from left, Wenny Weiss, Roma Jean Burtis, Pearl Orcutt, Carla Tidyman (seated), Jane Olsen, Kathy Sizer, Henry Vedder, back from left, Hugh Mouhler, Dirk Weiss, Larry Tidyman, Charlie Lee, Kay Castle and Merlin Castle. (Johnson Publications/Courtesy photos)