Registration deadline Dec. 13 for food pantry distribution - LaSalle News Tribune

Registration deadline Dec. 13 for food pantry distribution - LaSalle News Tribune

The Illinois Valley Food Pantry’s Christmas Distribution will be at the pantry on Saturday, Dec. 16.

Volunteers will be packing food for approximately 1,300 individuals; that’s 525 families needing food assistance.

The pantry serves people living in La Salle, Peru, Oglesby, Utica, Cedar Point, Tonica, Lostant, Leonore, and Lowell. Deliveries to homebound elderly people living in LaSalle, Peru and Oglesby, will be Monday, Dec. 18.

To be eligible for the food order, you must be registered with the food pantry.

The signup deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 13.

Suggestions for donations are: instant potatoes, boxed stuffing mix, corn, green beans, small cans of fruit, corn muffin mix, cake mix and frosting, small ham, or turkey.

Donations (monetary or food) may be brought or mailed to the pantry, 136 Marquette St., La Salle during normal hours: 9 a.m.-noon Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday; and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday.

The last day to receive food at the pantry for the month of December is Friday the 22nd.

For more information, call (815) 224-3658.

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