Pantry donors, helpers thanked - North Platte Telegraph

Pantry donors, helpers thanked - North Platte Telegraph

How blessed we are to live in a community that does so much to help those in need. Organizations such as Goodfellow Shoe Fund, Opportunity Center, Habitat for Humanity, Gift of Hope, The Connection Homeless Shelter and many others constantly reach out to improve the lives of others. Our own Grace Ministries Food Pantry has been greatly blessed this year by the generosity of this wonderful community. Owned and operated by First Presbyterian Church, with assistance from members of First Baptist, First Evangelical Lutheran, First Methodist and the Masonic Lodge, we have been able to feed nearly 4,000 individuals this year. Close to 3,000 volunteer hours a year are needed to keep our pantry going, and our shelves are stocked entirely by donations.

In just the last two months, we have benefited from food drives by the Maxwell schools, Pratt Dental, Husker Radio, First National Bank, Wells Fargo Bank and our partner churches. The recent North Platte High School annual food drive provided three pickup-truck loads of food to replenish our shelves. The Thrift Center for the Handicapped at 218 W. Fourth St. has contributed proceeds from their sales twice this year, which have helped us weather the growing numbers of folks in need. Dozens of individuals have donated meat, canned goods and cash. Each and every donation makes a difference to a hungry family.

We are thankful for all of you in our area contributing canned goods to these drives, for all of you sending checks or volunteering hours, and for all of you keeping Grace Ministries Food Pantry and its customers in your prayers. Together, we are making a difference in thousands of lives.

Leigh Henline

First Presbyterian Church

Grace Ministries Food Pantry