Hitting an ace: Golf association donates $2300 to Fort Mill food pantry - The Herald

Hitting an ace: Golf association donates $2300 to Fort Mill food pantry - The Herald

A group of Fort Mill golfers, who have donated a lot more than greens fees to a Fort Mill food pantry over more than two decades, dropped their best putt yet recently when they donated more than $2,000 for the needy.

The Fort Mill Men’s Golf Association donated $2,300, which was collected mainly from tournaments in 2017, to the Fort Mill Care Center before Christmas. The money came from more than 200 members and guests donations, said Don Garrett, a past member of the association board of governors. Garrett has been part of donating to the care center for years.

“The Fort Mill Care Center provides a valuable service to people in need and we are proud to help out any way that we can,” Garrett said.

The Fort Mill Care Center helps hundreds of families in need every month with its food pantry, said Carol Higgins, director of the center. The center also helps the needy pay utility and other essential bills, obtain prescription medication and other emergency services, Higgins said.

“There is a real need to help people in Fort Mill,” Higgins said. “The golf association has been a faithful donor to the center for so long.”

The care center has helped people in northern York County for more than three decades and depends on donors for the food and financial support it gives residents.

“The generosity of Fort Mill people, churches, civic groups, businesses is amazing,” Higgins said. ‘This community continues to be very generous.”

The center, staffed by volunteers, is at 2760 Old Nation Road. The center is generally open 9 a.m.-noon Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Because of the holiday, the center will be open Dec. 29, but is closed Dec. 27 and Monday Jan. 1. Normal Monday, Wednesday, Friday hours resume Jan. 3, Higgins said.

For information on volunteering or donating call 803-547-7620 or email Director Carol Higgins at cdhiggins99@yahoo.com.

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