Hall pantry serves nearly 400 families - LaSalle News Tribune

Hall pantry serves nearly 400 families - LaSalle News Tribune

The first customer was in line around 6 a.m. The doors didn’t open until 10. The line at Hall Township Food Pantry continued to grow and was still expanding around 11 Wednesday morning during the annual Christmas distribution.

Just inside the pantry’s doors, a group of about 20 people sat in chairs, learning how to prepare pork roast through the University of Illinois Extension.

“And for everyone coming in, you can sample the pork roast,” said extension worker Mary Beth Ponsetti as she handed out the food.

For many, it was the first chance to sit down in hours, after waiting in line most of the morning. About 400 families signed up for the Christmas distribution this year, said Jan Martin, executive director of the pantry.

That number is up from past years, when the pantry would serve closer to 300 families, although Martin said not everyone who signs up comes to the distribution. All the clients were fed through local donations, from families, businesses and organizations who donated money for baskets. The baskets allow the pantry to purchase the food needed for the distribution.

Instead of a hodgepodge of different types of food donated, the clients have their pick from a long list of groceries. Because they have their pick, Martin said it helps cut down on wasted food.

This time around, pantry goers were not just getting all the trimmings for a Christmas meal, but also things like chips, cinnamon rolls, ice cream, bread, eggs and butter. “We make sure they have stuff for breakfast, lunch and dinner,” Martin said.

They even handed out roaster pans for anyone who didn’t have a pan big enough to cook the pork loin or chicken available.

Brett Herrmann can be reached at (815) 220-6933 or svreporter@newstrib.com. Follow him on Twitter @NT_SpringValley.

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