FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) --
To keep Fresno City College students from going hungry, the school has opened up a permanent food pantry on campus. The grand opening of the new Ram Pantry kicked off Friday with dozens of students lined up to fill their baskets with food & drinks.A makeshift pantry was available to students once per week for the past few years, but now they'll have access to it five days per week from 10am to 2pm.
The "Ram pantry" at Fresno City College is packed with bags of non-perishable food and even fresh produce for students.
Located on the first floor of the bookstore, the pantry is made available to address student food insecurity. School officials say hunger should not be a barrier to success for college students. The mission of the Ram Pantry is to fight student hunger and address food insecurity among FCC students.
Thanks to the generous contributions of the Fresno City College faculty and staff, the Ram Pantry has the funding in place to open a permanent location for the first time. Now, Fresno City College seeks the help of the community to help keep the Ram Pantry stocked and sustained. Local businesses that would like to donate their products are welcomed to do so. Monetary donations are always welcome and can be used to purchase needed food items.
Officials are expecting anywhere from 700-800 students per week.
To join their fight against student hunger visit the Fresno City College Website.
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