Wayne Church Collecting Donations For Fire-Damaged Food Pantry - Patch.com

Wayne Church Collecting Donations For Fire-Damaged Food Pantry - Patch.com

WAYNE, NJ — A township church is looking for donations to help a location food pantry that was ravaged by a fire recently.

Packanack Community Church of Wayne is accepting donations to give to the Father English Community Center in Paterson. The center provides food to 6,000 people a month. It was heavily damaged by a fire Thursday.

"On Monday morning, families will show up, and I won't have anything to give them," said Carlos Roldan, the center's founder and manager. "November is the worst month for this to happen because people need food the most. Thanksgiving is coming and I don't know how we are going to feed people."

Roldan is looking for another location to distribute food.

"Even if I have to put up a tent in the parking lot, that's what I'll do," Roldan said.

Packanack Community's Pastor Karyn Ratcliffe issued a broad appeal to Wayne residents to help their neighbors.

"Please help us feed the hard-working people of Paterson who are having trouble making ends meet," Ratcliffe said. "After all, all of us are only as strong as our neighbors. as Thanksgiving approaches, it is good to be reminded that all of us come from families who immigrated to America, and that helping people in need is the American way of life."

Grocery store gift cards and non-perishable items are needed, including: Rice, cereal, pasta, pasta sauce, tuna fish, canned soups, beans, juice, peanut butter, jelly, canned vegetables and snacks. Checks made payable to "The Father English Center" are also being accepted. The money will be used to purchase food for the pantry.

Donations may be dropped of at Packanack Community Church, 120 Lake Drive East, Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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Originally published Nov 5, 2017.

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