Support the local food pantry at Our Savior Lutheran Church sauerkraut supper Saturday - Coldwater Daily Reporter

Support the local food pantry at Our Savior Lutheran Church sauerkraut supper Saturday - Coldwater Daily Reporter

UNION CITY — During the Our Savior Lutheran Church of Union City’s fall Sauerkraut Supper, Kristy Smith will once again be playing toe-tapping, timeless piano tunes in the sanctuary.

The event will be held from from 5-7 p.m., Saturday at the church, 405 St. Joseph St., Union City.

In what has become an annual tradition, Smith will match any tips she receives and donate the entire amount to the local food pantry, which is housed at Our Savior Lutheran Church.

Don't miss this chance to enjoy sauerkraut, roasted pork, mashed potatoes, homemade applesauce and marvelous deserts, while supporting the church's outreach work and the food pantry.

For more information contact the church at (517) 741-7643.

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