Church notes: Mobile food pantry set for Saturday - Grand Island Independent

Church notes: Mobile food pantry set for Saturday - Grand Island Independent

This month’s mobile food pantry in Grand Island is planned for Saturday in the garage at the city Utilities Department building at 315 N. Jefferson St.

The food giveaway is sponsored monthly by the Food Bank for the Heartland and Trinity United Methodist Church’s Loaves and Fishes ministry. This month’s event is scheduled earlier because of the Thanksgiving holiday.

The mobile pantry will begin at 9:30 a.m. and numbers will be handed out starting at 8:15. Clients should not arrive on site before 8 a.m.

A mobile pantry is a traveling food pantry that delivers food free of charge directly to individuals and families who need assistance for a one-day food distribution. The goal is to provide food where there is a high need but limited resources. Items to be distributed at the mobile pantry in Hall County include spaghetti, tomato sauce, canned pork and beans, cereal, pancake mix and other shelf-stable products along with perishable items, including a variety of fresh produce and bakery items.

Approximately 25,000 to 30,000 pounds of food, the equivalent of 20,800 to 25,000 meals, will be distributed to individuals and families living in Hall County and surrounding communities who are food insecure.

Those who come to the mobile pantry are encouraged to bring boxes or bags to assist in carrying the food they receive. No identification is required to receive food.

“In October, the mobile pantry in Grand Island provided food to 470 households in Hall County,” said Susan Ogborn, president and CEO of Food Bank for the Heartland. “This is one of the largest monthly mobile pantries hosted in the Food Bank’s 93-county service area. It is providing meals to local food-insecure children, families and seniors.”

Results of a study supported by the Conagra Brands Foundation, the Howard G. Buffett Foundation and the Nielsen Co. show approximately 10.5 percent, or 6,380 people, in Hall County are at-risk for hunger. That includes 3,140 children.

The Food Bank is continuing to work with the city of Grand Island to establish a permanent location for the monthly mobile pantry. The next food giveaway in Hall County is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 9, again in the city utilities garage.

Calvary Lutheran hosting craft fair

Calvary Lutheran Church will host a craft fair and flea market from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 18, at the church, 1304 W. Custer Ave.

Christmas gifts, crafts and goodies will be sold by individual vendors. The event also includes a bake sale and food will be served.

First-Faith UMC sponsors craft sale

First-Faith United Methodist Church in Grand Island will host a crafts, baked goods and homemade noodles sale on Saturday, Nov. 18, at the church.

The event will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the church, 4190 W. Capital Ave.

Cairo church plans Soup and Bazaar Day

CAIRO — Cairo United Methodist Church will host its annual Soup and Bazaar Day on Saturday, Nov. 18.

The event will run from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Coffee and rolls will be served in the morning and a meal including chicken noodle, chili and vegetable beef soup, sandwiches and pie will be served beginning at 10 a.m. Carryout meals will be available. A freewill offering will be collected.

The event will also include crafts, baked goods, jellies and plants for sale, along with a large selection of attic treasures.

The church is located at 506 E. Kansas St. Hunters are welcome.

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