Calvary Food Pantry: Volunteer efforts ease holiday season | Lake ... - Auburn Citizen

Calvary Food Pantry: Volunteer efforts ease holiday season | Lake ... - Auburn Citizen

Our Hero for Hunger this month is Lorraine Miller, professor of computer science at Cayuga Community College, who committed herself to bringing my pantry into the 21st century. She has been working on a complete and broad database that, up until her support (and immense amount of time), one of my volunteers, Don H., had to input by hand each week. Each day my volunteers need information that I had to dig into paper files to help my 200 families. No more. Lorraine made it possible for all pertinent information to be available for our volunteers to help serve our guests.

The second Food Providers Network Hunger Walk happened on Oct. 14. We made over $5,000, a 1,000-percent increase from last year. Thank you to the approximately 120 people who helped us make the walk a spirited success. The Hon. Gary Finch opened the race with a tremendously upbeat speech. The “dragon” from Fidelis Health Care walked, and I still chuckle every time I think of that costume. The money earned from each participant goes to the Central New York Food Bank and the Cayuga County pantries that participated, then split the dollar amount amongst themselves. The food bank adds the money to each pantry’s account and they, then, can purchase food for their families.

The Auburn Knoll, an over-55 community here in Auburn, again accomplished wonderful fundraising for us, like they did last year. At their '50s sock hop bingo party, a group called the Bingo Ladies, spearheaded by Ruth Parker and Barbara Foster, donated over 200 warm socks and many knitted hats and gloves that will be put on our children’s Christmas tree — critical for our youngest family members to keep warm this winter. Thank you all, again, for caring for my families.

News from the pantry: Up next is our Thanksgiving turkey giveaway on Nov. 17. This is a tradition I established more than 20 years ago. I am very proud and thankful for the following churches and businesses: Westminster and First Presbyterian churches are collecting money for meat vouchers from Tops grocery stores. My families can choose their preferred meat. It is a novel idea that has taken off. This alleviates the pantry, taking four weeks of preparing the Thanksgiving give away. Auburn United Methodist Church provides the vegetables and desserts for the baskets. St. Luke's, the Auburn Players Community Theatre, Chemung Canal Trust Co. and Community Computer provide other food collections for our baskets. Thelma Onan, an indomitable volunteer, again, is busy putting together all the food contributed into each basket (200 of them), as she has been doing for the last five years. All baskets are filled with fresh potatoes, dressing, vegetables, gravy, cranberries, desserts and a choice of beverages.

The pantry welcomes food donations in this giving season. If you wish to help our 200-plus families and many individuals that we support, please call me at (315) 252-7772. I look forward to any suggestions you can propose to me. As you know from my writings, I am always looking for fundraising opportunities.

Thank you, everyone! Have a lovely Thanksgiving.

Remember: Please volunteer, donate or reciprocate in kind.