Showcase Publishing Donates $18700 To Share The Harvest Food Pantry, After Sale Of 'Inspiration Home' - Lake Expo

Showcase Publishing Donates $18700 To Share The Harvest Food Pantry, After Sale Of 'Inspiration Home' - Lake Expo

How does the sale of a new home benefit the impoverished in the Lake area? Share the Harvest Food Pantry knows.

On Tuesday, Oct. 17, the food pantry celebrated the donation of $18,700 with Dave Leathers, owner and publisher of Showcase Publishing, a 34-year-old media company that publishes Second Home Living (SHL), Relocating to Lake of the Ozarks, the Official Lake Race Guide and the Official Shootout Guide magazines. The donation by Showcase was the result of a unique project Leathers conceived of, years ago: building unique homes in the Villages at Shawnee Bend and using them to promote innovations in energy and support local charities. The most recent, he dubbed the "SHL Inspiration Home."

The architecture is southern, low-country inspired, with a full front porch, white columns and gabled dormers. This is the 14th home Leathers has built, and he credits its beauty to Doug Ross of Ross Custom Homes, who headed up the project. He explains the $18,700 in donations came from proceeds from the home's sale.

Dave Leathers (right) & Doug Ross Chat In Front Of The 2017 Inspiration Home

Shana Aubuschon, Director of Share the Harvest, says the donation will bolster their emergency aid account, which is typically strained this time of year. That account allows Share the Harvest to help locals who come to the pantry needing help with an electric bill, medication, or fuel for their car to get to work. Share the Harvest's Thrift Store helps fund the food pantry, but Aubuschon says in the winter months, the organization leans heavily on monetary donations. Now that Share the Harvest has a new sign, drivers on State Highway 7 in Greenview will easily be able to spot the pantry. Want to donate? Aubuschon says to stop by, or donate online at 

Check Presentation by Showcase Publishing to Share The Harvest Food Pantry

(Pictured in photo above, from left: Doug Ross, Ross Custom Homes; Dave Leathers, Showcase Publishing; Sandy Olms, Treasurer of Share the Harvest; Joe Myers, Director of Share the Harvest; Shana Aubuschon, Director of Share the Harvest)

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