Little pantry in big need of items and community support - Waxahachie Daily Light

Little pantry in big need of items and community support - Waxahachie Daily Light

WAXAHACHIE — Residents Sonny and Kay Sides have a big heart when it comes to helping their Waxahachie neighbors. In fact, they want to bless people on a daily basis, but what they need in return, is the community to support the efforts.

The Sides started their city food project, “The Little Pantry,” in February at their home located at 304 W. Fifth Street in Waxahachie. On their west fence — behind the Taco Casa on Ferris Avenue — they offer “free” non-perishable food items to anyone in need. A person interested in obtaining some of the food items simply drives, walks or pedals up to the pantry boxes on the Sides’ fence, and they can anonymously pick and choose the items they are able to use for themselves.

The mission of “The Little Pantry” is simple — it is to offer grocery assistance at no cost to the patron.

However, in the past couple of months, their storage room of staples has diminished while the demand remains the same. It is in this way that the Sides are seeking the help of the local community in feeding those who may be down on their luck, or out of a job, or perhaps are in the midst of health-related issues.

If you would like to be of assistance, feel free to drop by their fence boxes and add something. If the shelves are full, then simply leave the goods on their front porch. The Sides add to the pantry several times throughout the day.

Their ultimate goal is to continuously provide a swinging door policy, both outgoing and incoming, as they (and the entire community of Waxahachie) help each other in the spirit of love.

Some suggested items to be donated to “The Little Pantry” include: peanut butter, nuts, toilet paper, paper towels, canned goods, canned meat, sealed box goods, sealed snacks, coffee, deodorant, toiletries, soap, shampoo, dental items, baby formula, other baby needs, feminine hygiene products, etc.

The Pantry can use basically anything that is non-perishable.

For more information, you can check out the Sides’ Facebook page at “Waxahachie Little Pantry.”

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