Letter to the Editor: Dawson needing donations for food pantry - Corsicana Daily Sun

Letter to the Editor: Dawson needing donations for food pantry - Corsicana Daily Sun

Dawson needing donations for food pantry

To the Editor: Dear community, we have identified a great need for the citizens of Dawson. This area desperately needs a food pantry that is located in Dawson. Many people are not able to get to Corsicana or Hubbard to get food when they need it. The Dawson Housing Authority has graciously agreed to allow their board room as the location for storage and distribution of the food. What we need now is those food donations to start coming in so that we can meet this need. We are asking for your help as we begin this much needed endeavor .

Since we would like to have food available in time for Thanksgiving we are starting with a food drive and hope to have a full food pantry by the beginning of the year. We are seeking non-perishable food items due to storage limitations. We hope to have the pantry stocked by Nov. 9 to begin to meet the increased needs around the holiday season.

We are happy to pick up your donations or they may be dropped off at Brookdale Assisted Living located at 3329 W. Seventh Ave. or Country Meadows Nursing and Rehab located at 3301 W. Park Row Blvd., both in Corsicana.

For more information or to pick up donations please contact Alicia Rogers, Family First Home Health and Hospice at 903-519-1044, Kelly Bell, Brookdale Assisted Living at 903-851-7424 or Alma Espinoza, Country Meadows Nursing and Rehab at 903-467-8114.

— Dawson Food Pantry

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