Food Drive for Whitman Elementary food pantry | KLEW - KLEW

Food Drive for Whitman Elementary food pantry | KLEW - KLEW


Whitman Elementary School started a food pantry three years ago after staff noticed a need amongst their students and families. Now they are working to keep that pantry stocked all year long.

Community social worker, Jennifer Wallace says around 200 families use the food pantry every year. It helps provide the basic necessities, like beans, peanut butter and jelly, and pasta.

This Monday, the LC Valley Central Labor Council and Rosauers are holding a food drive to help stock the pantry for the upcoming year.

Wallace says they wouldn't be able to provide for so many without their help, "It helps to sustain our food pantry, not only through the school year but through the summer. So without those donations we wouldn't be successful. So we are just really appreciative of their efforts and time," she explained.

The food drive is Monday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Rosauers. They are looking to collect non-perishable foods like canned vegetables, and apple sauce as well as snacks, pasta, breakfast foods and even hygiene products like tooth paste, shampoo, conditioner and laundry soap.

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