CSI seeks donations for student pantry - KMVT

CSI seeks donations for student pantry - KMVT

TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KMVT/KSVT) - The College of Southern Idaho has a pantry called Gilbert's Pantry where students in need at the school can request items.

This is the second year the school is doing the pantry.

Kimberlee LaPray, public information officer at CSI, said the school has helped quite a few students already this fall semester.

"We've been able to serve 21 students who have taken advantage of the program that had food insecurities," she said.

Items in the pantry range from nonperishable foods, toiletries and cleaning supplies.

"You can find anything in there that is nonperishable foods," LaPray continued. "We have those beans and vegetables and things like that that students can pick up."

The pantry is a confidential program where students can apply online and request the items they need. Only the staff of student affairs can access the pantry.

"In order to stay discreet with this process, we included a form online that students can go and fill out and then that form can be emailed, dropped off or mailed," she said.

After confirming that the student is enrolled at the college, LaPray said the process takes about three to five days.

"They prepare boxes based on what the students requested on the forms that they turn in," she said.

The amount of returning students is unlimited as long as they have items.

"They can come back anytime that they’re in need. There isn’t a limit or any restrictions on being able to help them as long as we have the resources in our pantry," LaPray said.

Although Ava Chapman, a sophomore at the school, has not used the pantry, she said it's a great resource to have.

"I feel that it is a great way to interact and bring everyone together. It brings a sense of community," Chapman said.

LaPray said they are currently looking or donations, especially with the holidays coming up.

"Anybody that’s willing to donate nonperishable items or hygiene items. Anybody that would like to bring something can bring them to the Taylor Building," she said.

LaPray said she is happy the college can help the students outside of the classroom.

"It's very heartwarming for us to be able to help our students in all ways," she said.

To drop off donations, bring them to the Taylor Building on the second floor.

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