In Bay St. Louis, the Hancock County Food Pantry is looking for donations of food and money to help community members in need.
Lifelong Bay St. Louis resident Jean Delaney said she started coming to the Hancock County Food Pantry after an accident at work left her on disability and only able to work part time.
"These people are so so nice to come talk to you, and you're not embarrassed, you're grateful," said Delaney.
She said her previous grocery store work experience allowed her to see first-hand what stores could possibly donate
"There's a lot of food being thrown out daily at stores that I couldn't believe. When they get eggs, for instance, the groceries throw them away if there's just one or two broken in the pack," said Delaney.
Delaney and the volunteers and staff at the pantry are urging businesses to donate what they can, as the pantry is getting busier and shelves are depleting.
"We're always in need of more donated food items, so we also encourage organizations and the community to please keep us in mind," said volunteer Virginia Cabell.
According to a front office volunteer at the pantry, the organization helps about 30 to 35 people per day after they fill out paperwork about their income. Those numbers are increasing as the holidays approach.
Volunteers say donations of non-perishables, meats that can be frozen, and pet food are needed items. They also say tax-deductible monetary donations can go further, as the pantry can negotiate lower prices with grocery stores for items they need most.
You can donate by bringing a check or food items to the pantry on Hwy. 603. You can also send a check to the Hancock County Food Pantry at PO Box 4313, Bay St. Louis, MS 39521. Please call 228-467-2790 for more information.
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