MADISON — In these tough economic times, there is an even greater need for services like the Venice Township food pantry, which will receive the food collected from the Food for Fines.
The pantry is located at 910 Madison Ave. in Madison and distributes food to people in need.
Residents can take non-perishable food items to the Madison Public Library, 1700 Fifth St. in Madison, until Dec. 31.
For every food item donated, the library will deduct $1 from fines with a maximum of $10 per visit.
The library does not accept glass, home-canned items, cans that are past expiration date, dented or damaged cans, or cans with bar codes that have been lined or scratched through.
The library is happy to accept non-fine related food donations as well.
Acceptable non-perishable items include:
- Cereal
- Peanut butter
- Macaroni and cheese
- Spaghetti sauce
- Tuna, salmon and canned meats
- Soups
- Boxed cheese
- Noodles
- Crackers
- Tuna/hamburger helper
- Biscuit/pancake mix & syrup
- Packaged potatoes, combination dinners
- Toilet paper and paper towels
- Diapers
For more information, call Madison Public Library at (618) 876-8448 or Venice Township Food Pantry at (618) 452-1121.