Open Pantry continues 20 year tradition of serving the homeless ... -

Open Pantry continues 20 year tradition of serving the homeless ... -

SPRINGFIELD, Mass (WWLP) – Christmas brings people together. For the less fortunate who don’t have family to share Christmas dinner, the open pantry family services serves dinner to the homeless and the lonely.

It’s been more than 20 years since the open pantry and their small army of volunteers began providing dinner several times a year.

In fact it’s become a tradition not only on Christmas day but on Thanksgiving and Easter Sunday.

Reynaldo Pagan told 22News how much this expression of concern means to him, “I think it’s very nice of them to do this, generous you know”

The open pantry agency feels blessed by the pool of volunteers always willing to give up part of their holiday to be of service.

Pagan went onto say “This means a lot to me, I’m giving back to the community, and bringing everyone together.”

Even before the homeless men and women sat down for Christmas dinner, open pantry drivers delivered hundreds of meals to shut-ins. Holyoke’s homeless also had a place to go for Christmas dinner. Kate’s kitchen continued its long service to the less fortunate in its community.

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