Filling up a pantry - Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald

Filling up a pantry - Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald

As we all know, North Carolina was impacted hard by Hurricane Matthew. Halifax County Sheriff Wes Tripp’s food pantry stepped up and provided many cases of food and supplies for the ones in need, but as the needs grow every day, the food pantry needs help from the public. Boy Scout Troop 144 and Order of the Arrow, collected more than 200 pounds of food but encourages continued donations. The food pantry is located at the sheriff’s office, 355 Ferrell Lane in Halifax. Donations of any canned food and non-perishable food items are appreciated. Drop off your items at the sheriff’s office or at The Daily Herald, 916 Roanoke Ave. in Roanoke Rapids, or call 252-578-6761 to have items arranged to be picked up from your residence or work place. The Department will partner with any person, family, church or business in the county to help with the food drive.

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