Christmas Eve run helps stock local food pantry - WSAZ-TV

Christmas Eve run helps stock local food pantry - WSAZ-TV

ASHLAND, KY (WSAZ) -- Runners looking to burn off a few Christmas calories met up in Ashland for the Christmas Eve Fun Run, all while helping a local food pantry.

The River Cities Harvest hosted the run, which began at 9 Saturday morning, at Oakview Middle School.

The cost of registration was a can of food.

Organizers say the food will be used to replenish the food pantry in Ashland for post-Christmas needs.

"I think we need to make sure our community doesn't just have food at Thanksgiving and Christmas, although it's great help, but we need to remember that food pantry needs to be filled all year long," Hillary Rice said.

After the race, runners were treated to hot cocoa, coffee, and donuts after the run.

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