Branson food pantry seeks donations to meet community's need - KY3

Branson food pantry seeks donations to meet community's need - KY3

BRANSON, Mo. While you're in the giving spirit this holiday season, one Ozarks food pantry is asking for help to get through the rest of the winter. Christian Action Ministries in Branson is seeing a greater need, and they know it will only grow in the months ahead.

At Christian Action Ministries Branson food pantry, they're busy sorting the donations from recent food drives. "It's been a blessing, the outpour, not only from churches, but from different organizations, theaters, goes right down the list, and we are very thankful," says Larry Johnson, Christian Action Ministries chairman of the board.

They're thankful they have something to give all those in need. Tuesday, a line waited at the door for the pantry's 11AM opening.
"Precious Heavenly Father, we thank you for another day and for the opportunity to carry on your work," prayed a staff member. Staff and volunteers join in prayer before the door opens each day.

"They always make you feel welcome here," says Margaret Burbridge, who came to get food for her family.

The number of families in need is up ten percent from last year, and they expect it will only grow over the next few months. "Many businesses have closed down already, shows have closed down; other businesses will be closing down, so our need will expand big time in our community," Johnson says.

"I'm actually out of work right now; my husband will end working for UPS January 13th I believe it is, so we'll be without income. I graduate college in March, so don't know where that's going to take me yet. I'm just starting that process," says Burbridge.

It may look like there's a lot on the shelves right now, but the food pantry in Branson gives out 600 to 650 cans a day, and all of their current stock wouldn't even last two months.

"We have more people that moved into town; we have more people that live in motels. And not only that, we have a lot of seniors that live in our county that need a lot of help because, basically, social security checks were not that big," Johnson says.

As they pray the shelves will remain full, families like Burbridge's are grateful for the help they receive. "It's great to have them here, and really do help out, a lot," Burbridge says.

CAM also serves the community through a food pantry in Forsyth and a mobile food distribution on the east side of county the first Wednesday of each month.

If you'd like to donate to Christian Action Ministries, you can mail a donation to CAM Food Pantry at 610 S. 6th St. Branson, MO 65616, call them at (417) 334-1157 or click the link to the right side of this story and the red "donate today" button at CAM's website.

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