Local pantries ready for holiday rush - Clinton Herald

Local pantries ready for holiday rush - Clinton Herald

CLINTON — Area food pantries are in the midst of their busiest season of the year as the fall and winter holidays approach.

With the holiday season just around the corner, services such as the Fulton Food Pantry and the Camanche Food Pantry are gearing up for an increase in product donations from the community stemming from various food drives, as well as regular donations from area residents.

At the Fulton Food Pantry, Harlan Wiebenga says they'll take whatever they can get this holiday season.

"The easiest thing for a lot of people is probably cans of fruits and vegetables, so we're getting a lot of that stuff," Wiebenga said. "I want people to know that we give everything away that we receive. We don't keep any of it; it all goes out into the community."

Wiebenga said the pantry is also in need of items such as toiletry and personal hygiene items, but stressed that any donations are appreciated.

At the Camanche Food Pantry, director Roxann Stearns also has begun to experience the organization's holiday rush.

"As far as needs go, I'd say maybe our biggest are boxed meals like Hamburger Helper and things like that," Stearns said. "We also love getting things like canned fruits and vegetables, cereal, and things along those lines. Non-food items we're looking for are toilet paper and other personal hygiene things."

The food drives going on throughout the community are certainly welcomed by Stearns and other pantry directors in the area. Stearns says November and December are "by far" the biggest months for the Camanche Food Pantry.

But aside from the drives, Stearns enjoys seeing the community members who donate items without being a part of an organized food drive, and there are quite a few of them.

"Now it seems like there are more people just (donating) on their own," Stearns said. "People have taken it upon themselves to become aware of the needs of the community and it really helps our numbers in November and December. We're very thankful for that."

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