College opens food pantry for students - Lexington Dispatch

College opens food pantry for students - Lexington Dispatch

In an effort to make sure no student sacrifices academic success because of bare cabinets, the Student Government Association at Davidson County Community College opened the Storm Food Pantry this week to serve any student who may otherwise go to class hungry.

The food pantry is located in the Brooks Student Center, room 133; it will offer non-perishable foods to any currently registered DCCC student with a valid campus ID. Any interested student may come to the pantry and fill out a food pantry request that asks basic information about the student’s household and what kinds of food he or she is interested in.

After filling out the form, the student will shop in the pantry much like they would in a typical grocery store. A shopping assistant will be present to help the student choose items based on a portioning guide.

Vice president of the SGA Chase Pullman said the organization has been working since the summer to create and collect resources for the pantry.

“We noticed that food insecurity is actually a growing concern in our student population,” Pullman said. “We immediately knew it was something we need to address so this pantry will be a great new resource to help us address that need.”

Members of the SGA have spent the majority of the fall semester gathering nonperishables to fill the shelves in the pantry. Pullman said the SGA conducted a campus-wide collection drive with bins set up in the student center and in the Cosmetology School. The group also developed a partnership with the athletics department at DCCC called Fill the Stands with Cans, in which spectators may bring cans for the pantry instead of paying for admission to various games.

President of the SGA Connie Morse explained that the organization plans to continue to bring in as many resources as it can in order to combat the consistent need.

“We are really trying to work with our students here who are able to donate and at the same time help those who are in need …” Morse said. “We plan to keep it filled, because this is a constant need so we will constantly be filling it up.”

DCCC President Dr. Mary Rittling paused to thank the SGA members at the ribbon-cutting event for the pantry Thursday afternoon. She said these members would leave a lasting legacy behind them due the concern they showed for their peers both inside and outside of the classroom.

“I just want to thank you guys for all that you do for our students,” Rittling said. “The fact that you recognized that students had needs that had to be addressed and you championed for them … it shows that you see the college experience as more than just the classroom, and you all are true humanitarians.”

Julia Hudgins can be reached at (336) 249-3981, ext. 213, or at Follow Julia on Twitter: @LexDispatchJH

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