Cincinnati State Food Pantry helps students with daily essentials - WLWT Cincinnati

Cincinnati State Food Pantry helps students with daily essentials - WLWT Cincinnati

Cincinnati State is helping students in need through a food pantry setup at the school to provide living essentials.


Henry Easley is a student at Cincinnati State and uses the food pantry on a regular basis since it opened in October.

“It made me feel good. Because I'm used to that type of thing. And back at home, pantries are the way of life if you're homeless or you don't have any money or whatever. And they way they had it set up it was like a warm comfort zone that you could come get something hooked up like that," said Easley.

Easley struggled to stay afloat after returning from war 34 years ago.

A program introduced to him by the VA allowed him to enroll in a college program and get a degree in Human Services.

“Education is power. Because once you get that power. The money will come along,” said Easley.

Although his schooling is free, he has no steady income and provides for a large family.

The food pantry gives him food, toiletries and daily essentials so that he can have the energy and the comfort to study and work hard, like the other students.

"I'm doing pretty good. I had a math test the other day, I made an 89, girl. I was like, 'Yeah!' but that's because this is where I be all the time," said Easley.

Henry is majoring in human services and hopes to be a counselor for children. He is set to graduate in 2017.

The Surge Cupboard will be open Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Because of the success of the Cincinnati State Food Pantry in just the first few weeks of its opening, organizers will be doing more food drives and curbside pickups.

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