Tyro: Concert will benefit local food pantry - Spartanburg Herald Journal

Tyro: Concert will benefit local food pantry - Spartanburg Herald Journal

Would you like to lend a hand to an organization that is in the business of lending hands to others? If so, here is your opportunity.

The Davidson Missional Network of Yadkin Valley District and the churches associated with the West Davidson Food Pantry will host a fundraiser to benefit the pantry at 6 p.m. Friday at Tyro United Methodist Church. The Gospel Voices with Matthew Weaver are the featured performers.

The West Davidson Food Pantry weekend feeding program feeds approximately 200 children each weekend from the Tyro, Reeds and Churchland Elementary schools for a cost of $40,000. This cost to the pantry is in addition to all their other programs. Admission to the singing is free, but a love offering will be accepted with all the proceeds going to the WDFP. Checks will also be accepted and can be made payable to YCUMC/WDFP. If you can’t attend, but would like to make a donation, all checks can be sent in care of R. Edward Greene, 190 College Lane, Lexington, NC 27295. For more information contact Nancy Adkins at (704) 213-4404 or Linda Rogers at (336) 853-7459.

Chicken meal fundraiser set

The Ladies Auxiliary of Tyro Fire Department will  sell barbecued chicken plates beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday. Plates are $8 and include chicken, potato salad, barbecue slaw, roll and a dessert.

Homecomings, bazaars, planned

The congregation of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church will celebrate its 229th homecoming Oct. 16. The Rev. Eddie Pless, will deliver the morning message in the historic sanctuary. The sacrament of holy communion will be offered. Following the service, all are invited to gather for food in Vanderford Hall.

Tyro United Methodist Church will celebrate its homecoming Sunday. There will be one service at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Ken Spencer delivering the morning message. A covered dish meal will follow the service.

The Women of Hope at Tyro United Methodist Church will host its annual fall bazaar Nov. 19. Once again they will be offering chicken pies and tickets for the handmade quilt made by Sarah Philpot. There will be crafts and specialty items of many varieties. The United Methodist Men will sell their famous barbecue with a variety of specials to choose from. Mark this date on your calendar. All proceeds from the bazaar will be used for missions.

Coach praises tennis team

Coach Timmy Lane wants to sing the praises of the West Davidson Lady Dragon Tennis team and rightly so. The team has preformed incredibly during the 2016 season. In the conference the team has only lost one match and that was to Salisbury High School, the No. 1 ranked team.

Last week the Lady Dragons defeated North Rowan for a second time, winning seven of nine matches. The girls won 108 of the 120 combined games and comfortably finished with another conference win. The girls have three matches remaining and will begin the conference tournament ranked in the No. 2 position, close behind number 1 ranked Salisbury High School.

Team members include Kelly Crisp, Jennifer Lopez, Alicen Tester, Nikki Hensley, Kaitlyn Smith, Savanah Ramsey, Hope Simerson, Ashley Miller and Tori Houser.

Golf player recognized

Congratulations to Rachael Mast who was selected as the Dispatch’s Athlete of the Week for her outstanding performance on the golf course for the Green Dragons.

HOSA to attend conference

HOSA officers from West Davidson will attend fall leadership conference Oct. 20 in Mocksville to learn more about leadership skills and different ways to help HOSA have a successful year. The HOSA district competition is scheduled for Nov. 19 at the Forsyth County Career Center. Good luck to all of the competitors. HOSA is under the leadership of Beth Harris.

Concert time approaches

The choirs at Tyro Middle School will have concerts at 6 and 7 p.m. in the Tyro Middle Auditorium Oct. 20. The choirs are under the direction of Beth Gilliard. Also, the 7th and 8th grade band concert will begin at 7 p.m. Oct. 27 in the school’s auditorium. The band is under the direction of Sara Tolles. Admission is free both nights.

Celebrating 40 years together

I’d like to send a happy anniversary wish to my husband, Kent. On Oct. 9, we will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary.

Prayers needed

Please add to your daily prayer list Teresa Baker, Joyce Miller, Tiffany Furches, Len Presnell, Brandi Wilson, Kristie Davis and the families of Penny Bailey, Kippy Pressley, Talitha Thompson, Mildred King, Joan Wallace and Saundra Nance.

To report news of Tyro, call Linda Dougan at (336) 853-6981 or at lsdougan@yahoo.com.

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