Rock Port Food Pantry helping those in need - KMAland

Rock Port Food Pantry helping those in need - KMAland

(Rock Port, MO) -- As poverty rates are on the rise in KMAland, one northwest Missouri food pantry continues efforts to feed the hungry.

The Rock Port Food Pantry is housed inside the Rock Port United Methodist Church. The pantry -- which serves approximately 20-30 people on a monthly basis -- is run entirely on generous volunteers. Erika Daugherty is the church secretary and also manages the food pantry. Daugherty tells KMA News the Atchison County based pantry is vital to the area.

"We see a need on a daily basis for people that are either low income or are just down on their luck and need some extra food to get them by to the next paycheck," Daugherty said. "This community is really great about helping out people in need. We get a lot donations, either by food or money. It all goes to the food pantry. We serve a lot of people and they are very grateful for it."

Daugherty says any type of contribution to the food pantry goes a long way.

"Each week, I send out an updated list that states the items we are currently low on because each time people come they can get so much of each item," Daugherty said. "Let's say for instance we would happen to be low on canned tomatoes. People get maybe three when they come in. If we have six families come in that day, that can take up everything we had on the shelf."

Daugherty adds the pantry is currently running low on several items.

"Right now, we are low on pasta sauce, dish soap, shampoo, hot cereals, and sugar."

Daugherty says she believes the food pantry is a great project for the Rock Port community because it not only helps feed families, but it is used in a variety of ways.

"One year we had little birthday items for each kid," Daugherty said. "If your child had a birthday that month, we gave them a little bag that had some birthday favors and a cake mix with frosting so the parents could make them a cake. Just those little things help families here in Rock Port. We also serve Watson and Langdon as well."

The Rock Port Food Pantry is open the first and third Tuesday of each month from 10 a.m. until noon, and the second and fourth Friday of each month from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact the Rock Port United Methodist Church at (660) 744-2101.

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