Pymatuning Valley food pantry dates changing - The Star Beacon

Pymatuning Valley food pantry dates changing - The Star Beacon

ANDOVER — The Pymatuning Valley Area Community Food Pantry, 181 S. Main St., Andover, is changing its dates for the holiday season.

In November and December, the pantry’s open date changes from the fourth Friday of each month to the third Friday, Nov. 18 and Dec. 16.

The pantry is open to anyone living in the Pymatuning Valley School District. Visitors should bring their own bags or boxes.

The Andover First United Methodist Church, which hosts the pantry, will also become a drop-off point for Operation Christmas donation shoeboxes from Nov. 14-21.

Shoeboxes can be dropped off: from 4-6 p.m. Nov. 14-18; from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Nov. 19; from 8 a.m. to noon Nov. 20; and from 8 to 10 a.m. Nov. 21.

Each shoebox donation goes to “one of the world’s poorest children,” organizers said, and can be designed for boys or girls between the ages of 2-4; 5-9; or 10-14 years old.

The boxes normally include hygiene items, small articles of clothing, school supplies or toys. The boxes shouldn’t include liquids, candy or items related to war. Boxes must be dropped off with a $7 check or money order to cover the cost of mailing it.

“These children are introduced to Christ and have the opportunity to learn more about Christianity,” Sandra John, Pymatuning pantry coordinator, said.

For more information, visit or call the church at (440) 293-6290.

The pantry is also set to host a fundraiser Saturday at the Towne Square Mall along North Ridge Road East in Ashtabula. The mall will host a chili cook-off, a cake walk and several kids activities, along with more than 200 vendors and businesses.

All proceeds benefit food pantries around the county.

“Please come out and support our pantries. Many of them greatly need the support,” John said.

The Robert Morrison Foundation is sponsoring the events.

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