Paul's Pantry in Green Bay raises hunger awareness on World Food Day, October 17, 2016. (WLUK)
GREEN BAY (WLUK) -- Paul's Pantry in Green Bay celebrated the 35th annual "World Food Day."
It celebrated its mission to make sure no one in Brown County goes hungry.
Volunteers and community members gathered at the pantry on Leo Frigo Way.
Reverend Paul Demuth from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish gave a blessing.
Paul's Pantry receives no federal, state or local tax revenue. Instead, it relies solely on volunteers and donations.
Pantry director, Craig Robbins, says without community support, the pantry wouldn't be possible, "It's the entire community together, working together towards a common goal that really makes Paul's Pantry possible."
World Food Day recognizes the founding of the U-N Food and Agricultural Organization back in 1945.