Marshall University closes food pantry - WSAZ - WSAZ-TV

Marshall University closes food pantry - WSAZ - WSAZ-TV

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ)- Marshall University shut down it's food pantry last Friday.

Beth Caruthers with Student Affairs said the school doesn't have the staff or space to keep the food pantry a float.

The Vice President of Student Affairs, Cedric Gathings, ultimately made the decision to close the pantry's doors.

WSAZ spoke with a student at Marshall that used to go to the food pantry every week.

"They left college students in the dust," Alex Root said about the university's decision to shut down the food pantry.

"I knew when it was going to close so I was able to bring my car over here and pack as much cans as possible so I'm just going to ration everything out and just try to survive," Root added.

Caruthers told WSAZ that only 8 students used the food pantry in the last year.

Alex Root said despite the small number of students that used the pantry, it was a vital part of his life as a student.

"Canned goods matter, it means my meal isn't just a bowl a Ramen at night, it means that I'm getting essential proteins we need," Root said.

Caruthers said students should go to Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Huntington if they need help finding food.

Although the church's food pantry doesn't have the Marshall name attached to it, they will help students.

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