BENTON COUNTY, Ind. (WLFI) — Benton County is opening a new food pantry with a spin.
The Oxford food co-op had its open house Tuesday, but the co-op’s director Chris Sheetz said the idea started about year ago.
She expressed it was her goal to help lower income families get involved in the community.
The co-op does just that. Instead of clients showing up to receive a free handout of food, members work then shop for their own items.
Sheetz said the first shop is free, but after that it costs $10 a month for one shop a month. Or members can work at the pantry, or any non-profit in Benton County, for two hours in exchange for a shop.
Advisory Board Member Deb Shidler said she’s looking forward to her first day on the job this coming Tuesday.
“I’m just excited to help people,” said Shidler. “I’ve been in situations where I’ve needed help and have gotten it from others. I think it’s great we’re able to do it for everybody else too.”
The advisory board for the pantry is made up of eight people, who are either on food stamps or Medicaid. The board decides the co-op’s hours, schedule and how it operates.
Sheetz said, members either need to be on food stamps, WIC-eligible, energy assistance or on Medicaid. Members also have to be a Benton County resident.