More than $27000 raised for local food pantry at Mayfield, KY yard sale - KFVS

More than $27000 raised for local food pantry at Mayfield, KY yard sale - KFVS

A record breaking $27,100 plus was generated Saturday from the Mayfield-Graves County Needline and Food Pantry’s mega yard and bake sale held in the old Gotham City building in the Mayfield Shopping Plaza.

The total came from the 11th annual community sale coordinated and supported by numerous churches, businesses, organizations and individuals. Some of the funds came from business and church sponsors and other cash donations.

After utilities and other expenses, every dollar raised will go to the Needline and Food Pantry that provide emergency utility assistance and food for local needy residents. The faith-based non-profit organization assists about 350 local families per month, according to Director Jackie Herndon.

In addition to the donated food, the Food Pantry spends about $3,000 per month purchasing food to help families, Herndon said.

Herndon and Event Chairman Tyler Goodman expressed thanks to all those who donated goods and cash, helped with the sales and all the shoppers who came out to buy the merchandise. Leftovers from the sale are donated to JU Kevil and other local charities.

Business financial sponsors this year are: Ace Compressors, Animal Medical Center, Dairyman’s Supply, Driver Motors, Falconite Properties, Falder’s, Gilliam Thompson, Greer Neon, H&R Agric Power, Lovely Nails, Mayfield Water & Electric Co., Purchase Ford, Republic Services, Rent One, T.V.A., and West Kentucky Rural Electric.

Church financial sponsors this year are Calvary United Methodist Church, Elders Wingo Old Cumberland Presbyterian Church, First Baptist Church, First Christian Church, First United Methodist Church, Pilot Oak Baptist Church, and Spence Chapel Methodist Church.

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